This distinctive Merlimau Village Headman House added unlimited fascination to the small town of Merlimau in Malacca. Merlimau is located in Jasin District of Malacca State. It's just 24 km away from Malacca city. If you are driving at the speed of 90 km/h from Malacca city through AMJ main road to Merlimau, it takes you 20 minutes to reach your destination.
The Merlimau Village Headman House is situated within walking distance from Merlimau town. It was built by Merlimau Village Headman Abdul Ghani in 1894. Abdul Ghani was interested in architecture. He integrated the 19th century architectural style of Malay Peninsula, China and Europe to construct his unique residence. It ended up that now people have the opportunity to appreciate this precious cultural heritage.
The general appearance of the Merlimau Village Headman House is same as any Malay traditional house but it's totally different if you take a closer look, especially the beautiful ceramic tile ladder. This extraordinary cement ladder with ceramic tiles is truely different from other states in Malaysia.
In addition to the special ceramic tile ladder, Merlimau Village Headman House also has carving decoration on its pillars, eaves, windows and doors. Nobody answered the door when I paid a visit to Merlimau Village Headman House, otherwise I would take photos of the interior design of the house and share with you.
Since Malacca obtained its World Heritage status in 2008, the Malaysian National Heritage Board instantly allocated funds to repair this once dilapidated village headman house. Undeniable, Merlimau Village Headman House is the best building for researching the traditional Malay buildings. Hopefully the authorities and Abdul Ghani's descendants are able to value and protect it devotedly.