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After savoring lunch at Scott Restaurant, we dropped in Fraser Hill Bird Interpretive Center.

Bird Interpretive Center is at the first floor of Tourism Complex which is opposite Scott Restaurant and Puncak Inn in the mini town of Fraser Hill.
Bird Interpretive Center is a gallery of local and migratory bird species in Fraser Hill. Detail information on birds found in Fraser Hill is available at Bird Interpretive Center.
Many bird photos and specimens are displayed at Bird Interpretive Center. Among the birds can be watched in Fraser Hill are doves, eagles, hornbills, pheasants, hawk-cuckoo, blue hill flycatcher and mugimaki flycatcher.
This is the label of a CD which I bought in Fraser Hill. In case you are a bird lover, you can buy "The Natural Sounds of Fraser Hill". The price of the CD was RM 30. Receipt was not given, even though I requested for it.
Entrance to Bird Interpretive Center is free of charge. The center is only open during week end from 10 am to 7 pm. During week days, visitors can get help from Puncak Inn staffs.
We headed to Scott Restaurant for lunch after enjoying aroma coffee at Smoke House.
Located at the mini town of Fraser Hill, Scott Restaurant is also a building with England cottages architectural element.
We shared a plate of seafood fried rice. This seafood fried rice served by Scott Restaurant was truly delicious.
We had coffee at Smoke House that morning and savored English tea after taking lunch at Scott Restaurant.
The cashier counter of Scott Restaurant is quiet distinctive. Not sure whether the counter is similar to the restaurants in England.
There was an antique clock on the wall of Scott Restaurant. This unique antique clock revealed the vintage scenario of Scott Restaurant.
Besides the antique clock, this wooden shoe was displayed as a flower vase. The wooden shoe reminded me of the Simonehoeve wooden shoes in Netherlands.
Residency Building was built in 1922 and located at the top of Resident Hill in Kuala Lipis.
The building was the residential of British Officers during the British occupancy in Pahang.
Hugh Clifford was the first occupant of Residency Building who was the Resident of British Colonial in Pahang.
Residency Building was remained as dwelling building for British Residents until the outbreak of World War Two from 1942 to 1945.
From 1950 to 1965, Kuala Lipis Residency Building was turned into a hostel for Clifford School pupils.
After that, Residency Building was desolated before using as government rest house in 1983.
In 1983, Lipis Museum Corner was set up at Residency Building for displaying cultural and historical information of Kuala Lipis.
During our visit to Residency Building in 2013, the building have become a lodging place that’s Resident Inn.
We dropped by Clifford Secondary School during our visit to Kuala Lipis.
This photo shows the location of Clifford Secondary School. The School is located by the riverside of Lipis River.
Clifford Secondary School was built in 1913 to commemorate the British Resident, Hugh Clifford.
Based on this notice board in the school compound, Clifford Secondary School is a reputable clusters school.
The school had achieved excellent performance for years under the guidance of the principal and the efforts of dedicated teachers.
This is a heritage building in Clifford Secondary School. It was completed in 1926 to accommodate Malay pupils. That's why the building was named as Malay Hostel.